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10 Tips to Survive & Productivity-Work From Home

Due to the outbreak of COVID-2019, companies across the globe have started practicing working from home/remote work in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.  If you’re not used to working at home, it can be a new challenge that you might not have at the office. Well, by enhancing your working from home experience, here are 10 tips that will help you effectively get your work done & make work productivity.

1. Create a proper working space

Where you work matters.Build a working space looks like office can help you maintain productivity and avoid distractions. Although bed is probably one of the comfiest places in the world to you, working from bed will impact on your work space. Clean up the mess and stay focused!

2. Time management

Always set a time before you work, stay organized and prioritize key tasks. The point is to take up a hard or time-consuming task, accomplish it, and focus on other things. Moreover, set your work hours in advance so your family knows when you’ll be working. Set a timer for each of your tasks in order to be completed on time.

3. Get off Social media, TV and Entertainments

Always put the phone on silent mode and turn data off. Social media and entertainment is the biggest nightmare and distraction at the work space. It will consume your working time and keep making mistakes if often checking your phone. Stay away from entertainment areas from your kids or parents. 

4. Stick with the office hours.

Working the same hours can help the rest of the team get to keep on the same pace, and everyone can  work together more efficiently. If you typically work nine-to-five hours, keep doing it at home. By using EasyWork attendance features now you can clock in & clock out just like usual in the office.

5. Stay connect with colleagues

It is hard to stay connected with each colleague when working from home. It is crucial to boost your team productivity and stay connected.For instance,  using the EasyWork reward system to show appreciation between colleagues can improve engagement between employees and better performance in team work.

6. Get clean & dress for work

Throw your sweat pants aside and dress up for work. Dress up casually can boost your spirit and keep the sense of ritual. Do something you usually can’t do during a normal office day, which is shower! Showering frequently may help to boost up energy.

7. Take breaks

Overloading yourself with work can melt down your mental,  putting you at risk of making mistakes.It is okay to take 5 minutes per hour, walk around or drink coffee to reduce the tense.

8. Check in with colleagues

Keep updating your projects/tasks to your boss or colleagues will also keep you connected with what’s going on in business. Having face time meetings and phone calls gives you an opportunity to engage in conversation and build work relationships. 

9. Reward yourself

When you achieve a target give yourself some sweets. This little boost can give you what you need to move onto the next job, and keep up your motivation. 

10. Choose the right technology

Using the right technology is important to maximize your productivity working from home. It helps people to deal with daily tasks, communication problems at work.And there are plenty of choices like productive apps. project management tools such as Zoom to make video meetings, Trello to manage tasks, EasyWork to manage workspace, Slack to communicate and more productivity tools.


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