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Don’t be a SPOILER or NAPPER in the Office! Apply Leave to Watch Avengers!

easywork marvel hero

Are you a fan of Marvel’s Avengers? We know Avengers tickets are fully booked and the cinema is crowded. Are you ready to apply for leave to watch your favourite superhero movie?

Have you tried applying for leave using EasyWork? Fast and simple leave application is now possible. Remember to take a good rest if you are watching a late night show. You might want to apply for leave and take a rest the following day for better work performance! Let’s work like a hero.

Leave application is as easy as ABC.

Enter date & details -> Select approver  -> Submit and wait for approval.

easywork leave application


Start applying for leave easily and effectively using EasyWork leave feature. Besides, I want to tell you a secret. EasyWork developer team is in the progress of upgrading the leave feature. You can expect an ADVANCED MULTIPLE FUNCTION leave feature soon!

We never say ‘END GAME’! EasyWork makes your work as fun as a GAME.

Grow= (G)row (A) (M)arvellous (E)mployee Today with EasyWork!


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