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Ways to Recognize and Reward Remote Working Employees

recognize and reward

This COIVD-19 pandemic has made companies and employees adapt to new changes in order to keep operations moving forward. More employees now are working from home as a result of the pandemic, this proves to be a huge test for both employees and companies.

Today this article will cover ways that management can recognize and reward their employees who are working remotely.


1. Face-To-Face Recognition

Yes, face to face recognition still can be done with the technologies that are at our disposal. Video conferencing tools like Google Meet Up, Zoom and many others have made this virtual contact possible. The best part is most of them offers them for free. So, take a while to give your employees a call and show them that they’re hard work is not going unnoticed.


2. Surprise Them with Local Gift Cards

Nothing beats a good surprise from the least expected. It’s safe to say that usually, employees do not expect any kind of surprise from the company’s management team. So, by sending over a local gift card with a sincere message to acknowledge their hard work will definitely be one of the best ways to recognize them.


3. Providing Workspace Assistance

Since employees are now required to work remotely, the company’s management can take proactive steps to ensure that there is a comfortable workspace for their employees. Be it a desk, chair, or accessories. By being able to recognize and provide the proper assistance, employees will feel taken care of and this will reflect back to their performance for the company.


4. Rewarding Points

Another way that companies can show that they recognize their employees is by rewarding them with points. Be sure to also include an item list that employees can redeem with their accumulated points. This will not only show that employees effort is recognized, but it also introduces a fun and exciting atmosphere to the remote working experience.


5. Timing is Important

Companies should be proactively checking and recognizing their employees in a timely manner. The faster the recognition can be notified and given, the more empowered the employees will feel. This also means that the longer time it takes for companies to do so, the more likely employees will lose interest in pursuing the company’s goal. So, do not wait!



There are still many creative ways that the company’s management can recognize and reward its employees. Be sure to also check out how EasyWork’s Reward feature that allows companies to implement a points system to recognize and reward their employees immediately.


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